There are many factors that contribute to the success of DK Thermal . One of the most important is the expertises that we have in sourcing PCBs in China and our understanding of your needs.
Over the years, we have established a strong and substantial network of PCB manufacturers in China. DK Thermal has an in-depth knowledge and experience in sourcing PCBs – large volume, quick turnaround, single sided, double sided, multilayer and flex rigid boards. Each of our approved PCB suppliers have their own strengths and merits in technologies and services and therefore, we can select the best provider to suit your particular requirements.
We have been supporting our customers for many years and so we understand your needs in :-
– competitive pricing, on-time delivery and excellent quality
– quick and decisive problem management, should the need arise
– professional technical and engineering support
– efficient delivery arrangements to suit your needs
– proven reliable service that you can trust
We have great experience and understanding of both worlds, your needs as a customer and the PCB supplier market, so we can offer the best solution for all of your PCB purchases.